Rwanda: Systematic and Sustained Killing of the Hutu Civilian Populations by KAGAME, a USA Client, and his RPF Soldiers

Type Journal Article - RDI Rwanda RWIZA
Title Rwanda: Systematic and Sustained Killing of the Hutu Civilian Populations by KAGAME, a USA Client, and his RPF Soldiers
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Back in 1995, a senior Clinton administration official, commenting on Indonesian President Suharto, then on a state visit to Washington, referred to him as “our kind of guy.”[1] He was speaking about a brutal and thieving dictator and double-genocidist (first in Indonesia itself, then East Timor), but one whose genocide in Indonesia terminated any left threat in that country, aligned Indonesia militarily as a Western ally and client state, and opened the door to foreign investment, even if with a heavy bribery charge. The first segment of the double-genocide (1965-1966) was therefore serviceable to U.S. interests and was so recognized by the political and media establishment. Indeed, following the mass murders in Indonesia proper, Robert McNamara referred to the transformation as a “dividend” paid by the U.S. military investment there,[2] and in the New York Times, James Reston called Suharto’s rise a “gleam of light in Asia.”[3]

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