How Far Is Too Far? The Facts And Figures on Human Population in Kano State

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319--7722, ISSN (Print): 2319--7714 www. ijhssi. org Volume 3 Issue 4
Title How Far Is Too Far? The Facts And Figures on Human Population in Kano State
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 61-64
The phenomenal increase in human number in Kano state, Nigeria, like in many other areas of
the developing nations, has raised numerous questions, issues, and challenges that generally revolve around
finite supply of basic life supporting resources, economic development and environmental quality. Some of
these questions, among others, include: how far in terms of carrying capacity and how is too far in terms of facts
and figures. The focus of this paper therefore is to offer answers to these questions based on Kano State
perspectives, which is the most populous state in Nigeria and the most densely populated area in Africa South of
the Sahara. The discussion, however, is based on the adapted version of Maigari (2012) which describes human
population in terms of provision, prospect, prosperity, and posterity (the 4 integrated Ps).

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