Type | Journal Article |
Title | The road to empowerment |
Author(s) | |
Publication (Day/Month/Year) | 2007 |
URL | http://www.ilo.int/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo-manila/documents/publication/wcms_124767.pdf |
Abstract | ndigenous peoples in the Philippines have experienced a long history of discrimination. Rejecting foreign domination and acculturation, they were left out from mainstream development and were largely excluded from socio-economic and political participation in mainstream society. Most of them are found in rural areas and hinterlands, where some 70 per cent of the poor also reside. Eking out a living as subsistence farmers, hunters, fishermen or forest dwellers, they account for a high proportion of the poor and are often confined to ancestral domain areas that are exposed to environmental degradation. In the Philippines, as in other countries, poverty can be perceived as the result of a combination of factors, including discrimination in employment and livelihood. Unless contained and reversed, poverty will continue breeding prejudice and discrimination. The Philippine Constitution of 1987 and several laws contain extensive provisions that proscribe discrimination in employment and call for equal opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997 and its Implementing Rules stand out as a progressive piece of legislation. This is the first time that a state in Asia explicitly expressed the rights of IPs to their ancestral domain, to self-determination and to the free exercise of their culture. These laws bear testimony to the national commitment to right past wrongs and to place IPs on an equal footing - politically, economically and socially - with all other Filipino citizens. In recent decades the human and labor rights of indigenous and tribal peoples have been widely discussed at national and international levels. In broad terms, IPRA reflects the concepts and definitions embodied in UN and ILO key Conventions related to equality, non-discrimination and decent work (see Table 1). It is interesting to note the high degree of convergence between the general principles on human and labor rights between the ILO Convention No. 169 and IPRA. Hence, the IPRA law can be seen as an expression of political will to recognize and promote the human, civic and labor rights of IPs in line with international standards and instruments. Furthermore, if the Philippine Senate ratifies ILO Convention No. 169, this would provide a new momentum to concerted efforts to overcome discrimination and deprivation of IPs in the future. |
» | Philippines - Occupational Injuries Survey 2000 |