Within and Between Gender Disparities in Income and Education Benefits from Democratic Reform

Type Working Paper
Title Within and Between Gender Disparities in Income and Education Benefits from Democratic Reform
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2008
URL https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ruth_Uwaifo_Oyelere/publication/254443262_Within_and_Between_Ge​nder_Disparities_in_Income_and_Education_Benefits_from_Democratic_Reform/links/5438c5a90cf24a6ddb934​d76.pdf
There is data evidence that welfare has improved post democratic reform in
Nigeria. However, the distribution or concentration of the benefits in subgroups
of the population is unknown. In this paper, the question of differential welfare
impacts, across and within gender, post democratic reform in Nigeria is explored.
I test two null hypotheses. First, there is no disparity in the income and returns
to education benefits of democratic reform across gender in Nigeria. Second,
there are no within gender disparities in the impact of democratic reform on income
and returns to education in Nigeria. From the results, both null hypotheses
are rejected. Though men and women benefitted from reforms post democracy,
economically significant within and between gender differences exist.

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