Analysis of Administrative Burdens for Companies in Selected See Countries

Type Working Paper
Title Analysis of Administrative Burdens for Companies in Selected See Countries
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 191-201
The institutional framework in which companies have to act establishes the rules of the game. It
is limited and controlled by a public administration system, which may be more or less open and
contemporary for companies. The aim of this paper is to analyse administrative procedures and costs
for companies when dealing with public administration from a theoretical and empirical point of view.
The paper’s goals are to compare administrative burdens and to find the advantages and weaknesses
of administrative systems in selected countries. During a company’s operation, from its establishment
to its closure, entrepreneurs are constantly exposed to administrative systems and their requirements.
They have to carry out different procedures regarding the company’s establishment, the hiring and
firing of employees, obtaining various licenses, state regulatory statistical and tax reporting, tax
burdens etc. Fulfilling all those administrative procedures may negatively impact the establishment
and operation of companies in particular countries.

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