MfDR Principles in Action: Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practices

Type Book Section - Timor-Leste: Managing for Results in a Fragile Postconflict
Title MfDR Principles in Action: Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practices
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 35-43
This example of Managing for Development Results addresses the question: To what extent is the Timor-Leste
government ready to manage and monitor the achievement of its national development plan and donor contributions?

Timor-Leste has focused squarely on implementation of its National Development Plan since national independence
in May 2002. The development plan was followed up by formulation of a detailed “road map” for 2002–07. In 2004,
the government elaborated sector investment programs to improve sectoral donor coordination around the National
Development Plan. To monitor progress, the five-year road map is followed by annual action plans. On a quarterly
basis, line agencies report on the implementation progress of their annual plans. In turn, the Ministry of Planning and
Finance combines all information electronically to prepare quarterly reports. These are distributed to donors, line
agencies, and other stakeholders. This task represents an impressive accomplishment for such a young nation – a first
win in managing for results, the establishment of a culture of monitoring and accountability.
This story illustrates how the world’s newest country is making inroads into managing for results with partners’ support.

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