HIV/AIDS in Timor Leste: a survey of young people aged 15-24 years following the national campaign

Type Report
Title HIV/AIDS in Timor Leste: a survey of young people aged 15-24 years following the national campaign
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2008
Publisher Center for Applied Research and Policy Studies Dili Institute of Technology
Timor Leste is currently threatened by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Data shows that up to March 2006,
there were a total of 43 registered cases, of which 36 were in Dili.1

Experience shows that in countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence, a significant number
of the infections are among young people, and for several reasons, young people remain
particularly vulnerable to HIV infection. This is because young people are often involved
in activities which raise HIV/AIDS risk, such as having sexual relations without use of
condoms, having multiple sexual partners, and frequent changing of sexual partners. In
areas where injection of drugs is prevalent, young people may be infected through using
shared needles or syringes. Worldwide, to the end of 2005, 10 million young people
aged 15-24 had contracted HIV/AIDS, including 2.1 million new infections during 2005.
Each day there are 5,000-6,000 new infections amongst young people.2
To date, it is not known how many 15-24 year old young people in Timor Leste have HIV
or AIDS. Nevertheless, it is believed that, as elsewhere in the world, young people are at
risk of HIV/AIDS in this country too, because their knowledge of HIV/AIDS is limited, and
they are involved in risk activities.
Tempu atu Koalia, Buka Hatene kona ba HIV (Time to Talk, Seek to Learn about
HIV) is a national program with the objectives of providing information and raising
awareness about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.3
UNICEF, in collaboration with the Timor Leste Ministry of Health, commissioned this
study to enable a better understanding of young people’s knowledge, attitudes and
behaviours, as they relate to HIV/AIDS. This will serve as a baseline for a proposed
national campaign on HIV/AIDS amongst 15-24 year old young people in Timor Leste.
This report describes the results of the survey, but does not examine in depth the
correlations amongst variables that influence transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
This information was gathered following a national campaign on HIV/AIDS amongst
young people aged 15-24 in Timor Leste. This report describes the results of the survey,
but does not examine in depth the correlations amongst variables that influence
transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS.

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