The Impact of Industrial Research on Curriculum Development for TVET Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean Title: Mathematical Modeling of Technical Vocational Education Demands in Developing Industrialized Nations

Type Working Paper - Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
Title The Impact of Industrial Research on Curriculum Development for TVET Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean Title: Mathematical Modeling of Technical Vocational Education Demands in Developing Industrialized Nations
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The link between conceptualization and realization is fabrication – this is the role of tradesmen and
tradeswomen in any society. Despite this fact, the demand for trained craftsmen in many developing
countries remains un-quantified; as does the country’s decline in competitiveness as a result of the loss
of these professions. This paper seeks to present a computational approach for projecting the technical
vocational demands of societies based on industrial needs and training institution capacities. The
economic impacts of the absence of traditional as well as contemporary crafts are also discussed. In
addition, the research presents a framework for communication between industry and TVET
institutions thereby providing Collaborative Curriculum Development (CCD). The model will enable
stakeholders to obtain key performance indicators which enable the quantification of the effectiveness
of implemented training policies. In Trinidad and Tobago, this process has occurred, somewhat, to
facilitate technical and vocational requirements in the oil and gas sectors (as evidenced by the
introduction of The John Donaldson Technical Institute and The University of Trinidad and Tobago).
However, this process has not occurred in emerging manufacturing sectors, thereby making
diversification of our economy and export portfolio challenging.

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