the National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

Type Journal Article
Title the National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
The legal framework for producing statistics, where the Law on State Statistics3
is core
and the organisation of the statistical system in the Republic of Armenia facilitate
NSSRA’s professional independence. It gives the NSSRA a strong and clear mandate for
collecting data, including obtaining data from administrative sources. The legislation
regulating mid-term and annual statistical work programmes of the NSSRA, together
with the specific legislation on the population census and on data collection for
administrative purposes by authorities other than NSSRA gives the NSSRA a good
legislative basis for collecting and obtaining data from existing administrative sources as
well as for the compilation of migration and international protection statistics.
11. The NSSRA is aware of the lack of migration statistics in the Republic of Armenia
between population censuses and a considerable need for these data (on national and
international level).Therefore, the NSSRA has established close co-operation with
relevant international bodies in the past decade. This co-operation has resulted in several
surveys providing users with basic migration statistics.
12. The NSSRA has– together with the SMSRA – decided to follow European standards for
migration and international protection statistics in accordance with the EU Regulation
862/2007. This has already resulted in statistics made available to users in accordance
with this Regulation. It is also important that the SMSRA, as a coordinator of migration,
follows the EU Regulation 862/2007 and applies its standards in case of new or revised
regulations on migration.
13. The NSSRA already works towards regular collection of migration data between
population censuses through existing household surveys and administrative sources.
Improvements can still be done and are to a large degree planned. However, the results
are not expected to be immediate.
14. The NSSRA, although constrained by limited human and financial resources, is
determined to continue the cooperation with other relevant institutions in the Republic of
Armenia. The action plan set up in the frame of this SR includes the activities and
expected results, and was prepared in the framework of this sector review. This includes
the actions towards improvement in availability of migration and international protection
statistics, and the implementation of high quality standards in different parts of the
statistical processes.

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