Islamic republic of iran national report for photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science 2004-2008

Type Report
Title Islamic republic of iran national report for photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science 2004-2008
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This national report outlines activities and development related to photogrammetry and remote sensing as well as GIS, digital
mapping, education and research activities in these fields during the 4 years period (2004 - 2008) within Islamic Republic of Iran.
According to this, involvement of various sectors is described including governmental institutions and organizations, private
companies and user community. After a brief introduction, situation of different effective sectors which shape the structure of
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science in the country with emphasis on changes and transformations in the
report period will be described which includes education and research activities in this field. It follows with a summery about
national plans for spatial data production and usage and achieved progresses in this plans during the last four years period. Recent
situation of country in terms of available map and spatial data will come in the next part of this report. The next and last part
comprises a summery of methods and technology used for data acquisition and processing as well as presentation of spatial data.

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