Economic activity of middle-aged women in Serbia as relevant gender equality issue

Type Journal Article - Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke
Title Economic activity of middle-aged women in Serbia as relevant gender equality issue
Issue 148
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 499-510
Economic characteristics of the female population are important dimensions of contemporary gender regime. Thus, this paper focuses on disadvantageous characteristics of economic activity pointing to the range and the intensity of economic dependence of women as one of the obstacles to the improvement of their social position and reducing of gender gap. Statistical data show economic inactivity and unemployment of middle-aged women in Serbia. Also, regarding the employed women the economic disadvantages could be discussed. The indicator of this is a gender difference in earnings as a result of a smaller number of women having well-paying jobs. In the base of gender economic differences are characteristics of gender roles, and for this reason a specific “women’s work” is seen as an important segment in the improvement of the economic position of women and reducing of gender-based economic gap.

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