Farmers' knowledge of integrated pest management: a case study in the Zanjan Province In Iran

Type Conference Paper - ISDA 2010
Title Farmers' knowledge of integrated pest management: a case study in the Zanjan Province In Iran
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Integrated pest management (IPM) has been recognized to be a sustainable method
for pest prevention, monitoring and control. Farmers’ knowledge and participation are key elements
of achieving this approach. The purpose of this study was to assess farmers’ knowledge and skills
of IPM for the farm pest control. The study was conducted in the Zanjan Province of Iran using a
case study through qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques such as participatory
observations, structured and semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and transect walks with the
farmers of the Nimavar Village. The farmers hardly used non-chemical pest control methods (e.g.
mechanical and biological techniques and natural enemies) and their awareness of using these
methods was low. Although the farmers were to some extent aware of the side-effects of the
excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, they still continued utilizing chemical inputs due
to the shortage of knowledge of and little access to the alternative or sustainable techniques and
facilities. The farmers showed little access to private or public extension or research institutions for
this matter. It is suggested to improve agricultural extension service to facilitate participatory
agricultural research, especially using the farmer field school approach and to provide the required
chemical and non-chemical inputs in order to make information and inputs more available and
accessible. This can make the implementation of IPM projects effective.

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