A Perspective on the Principle of Social Solidarity in South Africa

Type Journal Article - Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Title A Perspective on the Principle of Social Solidarity in South Africa
Volume 5
Issue 27 P2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 966
URL http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/viewFile/5168/4985
The principle of social solidarity constitutes an indispensable phenomenon that is capable of providing long-term solutions to
various socio-economic challenges faced largely by the indigent people in the society. This article explores the significance of
social solidarity within the context of social protection, looking at its impact in mitigating the harmful effects of unemployment,
poverty and inequalities that are widely experienced in South Africa. Adopting the qualitative method, the article is both
exploratory and descriptive in form and uses primary and secondary sources as source material. It is asserted that social
solidarity is a fundamental constitutional value that culminated in the inclusion of social security rights in the Constitution. It is
through this principle that the value of ubuntu finds expression with ease. Undoubtedly, social solidarity plays an effective role
in producing an appropriate social orientation of the society by stabilizing social welfare, an ideal which is necessary for
sustainable development.

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