Relative inequalities in geographic distribution of health care resources in Kermanshah province, Islamic Republic of Iran

Type Journal Article - Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Title Relative inequalities in geographic distribution of health care resources in Kermanshah province, Islamic Republic of Iran
Volume 22
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 802-809
This study aimed to evaluate inequalities in the geographical distribution of human and physical
resources in the health sector of Kermanshah province, Islamic Republic of Iran. In a retrospective, cross-sectional
study, data from the Statistical Centre of Iran were used to calculate inequality measures (Gini coefficient and
index of dissimilarity) over the years 2005–11. The highest Gini coefficient for human resources was observed for
pharmacists in 2005 (0.75) and the lowest for paramedics in 2010 and 2011 (0.10). The highest indices of dissimilarity
were also for pharmacists in 2005 (29%) and paramedics in 2011 (3%). For physical resources, the highest and
lowest Gini coefficients were for rehabilitation centres in 2010 (0.59) and health houses in 2011 (0.12) respectively.
Generally, inequalities in the distribution of health care resources were lower at the end of the study period,
although there was potential for more equitable distribution of pharmacists, specialists, health houses and beds.

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