Abstract |
These survey results mainly provide data on the main characteristics of employed and unemployed population, that is, the work force engaged or available to be engaged in the production of economic goods and services and its distribution in the various sectors of the economy during a given reference period. In addition, data on economic activities of children were also collected to measure child labour in urban areas. For this purpose, the former minimum age limit 10 years was lower down to 5 years since May 2009. Therefore, the data in this survey were collected from those persons aged five years and over. However, for the purpose of measuring the economic activity status based on Ethiopian situation, the lower age limit was fixed in to ten years. This is because children in rural and urban areas used to work at their early age such as collection of fire wood, looking after cattle, shoeshine, street vendor, petty trading…etc. Thus, the May 2011 Urban Employment and Unemployment Survey statistical report is mainly aimed at provide information on the economic characteristics of the population aged ten years and over. Furthermore, the 2011 UEUS provide data on employment on the informal sector, their spatial distribution and problem in the sector. This statistical report presents a brief introduction of each chapter including basic concepts based on ILO standard definitions together with statistical tables. |