Rural – Urban Migration of the Nigerian Work Populace and Climate Change Effects on Food Supply: A Case Study of Kaduna City in Northern Nigeria

Type Conference Paper - Fifth Urban Symposium 2009
Title Rural – Urban Migration of the Nigerian Work Populace and Climate Change Effects on Food Supply: A Case Study of Kaduna City in Northern Nigeria
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2009
The study documented the case of urbanization in Kaduna city for over eight decades and
the attendant environmental effects including climate change. The livelihood patterns of
the migrant populace and the perception of a cross section of the populace were assessed
in respect of the knowledge and the relationship with climate change and food production
in terms of the attainment of food security for the people in the metropolis and the state.
There is the urgent need to enlighten the populace about the environment, its quality and
the impact of man habits and attitudes on its sustained quality. Practices like tree
planting exercise should be augmented with policy decisions like affordable pricing for
kerosene as fuel oil in domestic cooking to safeguard our forests

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