Farm Resource Technical Efficiencies’ Determinants in Rural Cassava Farms in Kogi State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development
Title Farm Resource Technical Efficiencies’ Determinants in Rural Cassava Farms in Kogi State, Nigeria
Volume 20
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 31-46
This study was designed to determine the technical efficiencies of farm resource
in rural farms within Nigeria’s second largest producer of cassava, Kogi State.
A total of 174 cassava farmers from two agricultural zones of the state were
sampled. Analysis of questionnaire items was done using a Cobb-Douglas
function and Chow’s Break-Point test. The farm inefficiencies’ levels and
sources were determined using stochastic frontier model using Frontier 4.1
software. Farm credit, farm size, chemical fertiliser quantity applied, labour and
seedlings planted were significant determinants at 0.05 per cent and 0.01 levels.
An increasing return to scale (4.855) was confirmed among the farms while the
overall technical efficiencies were high (81%). A statistically significant
variation existed in productivity levels of the two zones studied.

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