Essential Trace Element Levels Among Apparently Healthy Geriatrics In A Semi-Urban Community In Nigeria.

Type Journal Article - New York Science Journal
Title Essential Trace Element Levels Among Apparently Healthy Geriatrics In A Semi-Urban Community In Nigeria.
Volume 4
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
Page numbers 96-99
This study was designed to assess the selected trace element levels among apparently
healthy geriatrics (test) in Ekpoma and compare it with levels among healthy young adults (control). Blood
samples were collected from the study population using standard techniques. The serum trace element
levels were then determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Our result showed that there was a
significant increase in selenium and chromium levels in geriatrics when compared with control (P < 0.05).
there was a non significant decrease in serum Manganese and Zinc levels in geriatrics when compared with
control. The serum copper and magnesium levels were higher in geriatrics when compared with control,
however, this was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). It can therefore be concluded that apparently
healthy geriatrics in Ekpoma have adequate essential trace element intake when compared to the younger

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