Marketing of African Walnut [Tetracarpidium conophorum Mull.(Arg)] in Southwest Nigeria: Production Issues and Contributions to Stakeholders

Type Journal Article - Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
Title Marketing of African Walnut [Tetracarpidium conophorum Mull.(Arg)] in Southwest Nigeria: Production Issues and Contributions to Stakeholders
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 523-531
The survey was carried out in Ekiti, Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, and Osun states located in SW Nigeria. The respondents for the
study include thirty marketers and thirty producers of African walnut randomly selected within each of the state, making a total of 60
respondents per state and 300 for the five states. Two sets of structured questionnaires were designed, one for each catergory of the
respondents. The questionnaires were designed to solicit information on demographic characteristics of the producers and marketers
of African walnut, production and marketing challenges of the walnut, price trend along the marketing chain, and interraction and
relationships of the middlemen. The questionnaires were administered through individual and focus group methods. Also, indepth
interview of the respondents was conducted to supplement data obtained from the questionnaires. Purposive sampling method was
used to select local markets where the walnut were sold for study of the price trend of the walnut for two seasons (from 2007 to
2008). Marketing of the walnut started with farmers that plant the perennial climber on their farmland, while the marketing
intermediaries include the village merchants, wholesalers, and the retailers. Adult male dominated the production sector of African
walnut while processing and marketing the nuts were mostly done by the women and children. There is high demand for the walnut
as delicacy and snack; although industrial usage is yet to be fully developed. Marketing of the cooked nuts and at retail quantity had
the highest profit along the marketing chain. There is need for expansion of the current scale of production of the walnut to meet
increasing demand. Provision of appropriate storage facilities to prevent spoilage of the product in rural areas and good rural road
network for easy conveyance to urban markets where it is majorly consumed is pertinent for marketing of the walnut.

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