Sex differences in infant and child mortality in three provinces in China

Type Journal Article - Social Science & Medicine
Title Sex differences in infant and child mortality in three provinces in China
Volume 40
Issue 9
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 1995
Page numbers 1259-1269
Despite the Communist government's campaign to narrow the sexual inequality in China since
the 1949 Revolution, male dominance and son preference are still evident in many parts of the country. Using
retrospective reports on infant and child mortality from the 1985 and 1987 In-Depth Fertility Surveys in
Shaanxi, Liaoning and Guangdong provinces of China, the study examines the effects of this persistence
of sexual inequality on the differential survival for males and females. The study shows that female infants
and children have higher than expected mortality rates, suggesting that son preference may lead to
discriminatory practices against females. The study also reveals that the one-child policy of the late 1970s
has a strong influence on the survivorship for female infants and children.

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