A Critical Analysis of Climate Change Factors and its Projected Future Values in Delta State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
Title A Critical Analysis of Climate Change Factors and its Projected Future Values in Delta State, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 206-212
URL http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/197961/2/15-69-2(2)2012-AJARD-206-212.pdf
The study focused on the critical analysis of climate change factors (temperature
and rainfall) and its projected future values in the state. The main objective was
to determine the trends of climate change factors (temperature and rainfall). And
the specific objective was to determine the projected future trends of climate
change factors in the state. Multistage sampling procedure was used in the
random selection of states, local government, communities and rural households
for the research study. Annual mean time series data of temperature and rainfall
were collected from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET). Data were also
obtained from structure questionnaire survey. The collected data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics, trend analysis and growth model. The study reveals
that there were increasing trends of temperature values and decreasing rainfall
values in the state. But their projected future values witnessed an increasing
trend. The increasing trends in temperature values may lead to a situation were
crops will be smothered by excessive heat thereby reducing food production in
the state. The study therefore recommends that meteorological station units
should be established in the rural farming households in the state where
accessibility is extremely difficult. This will make available meteorological data
(information) to the reach of the poor rural farming household for the attainment
of food production.

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