Domestic wastewater disposal and management in Jimeta, Adamawa state, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Environmental Sciences
Title Domestic wastewater disposal and management in Jimeta, Adamawa state, Nigeria
Volume 11
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This study is aimed at assessing the present state of wastewater disposal
and management, evaluating people’s awareness of the state of disposal
and management practices in Jimeta, Adamawa State Nigeria. The wards in
the area were divided into two: planned and unplanned based on the nature
of facilities and physical structure available. Five streets were studied from
each of the 4 wards. Questionnaires were administered on 9 households per
street. Also an inventory of street side drains was taken. The study shows
that there are three major facilities for disposing used water namely; septic
tank, cesspit and street side drains. 33% of the households/housing units
lack any facility for disposing used water. Two major toilet facilities, pit
toilet and water closet system also exist in the area. Chi Square results
show that there is an association between wastewater facilities and ward
of residence. It was discovered also that the housing layout in the
unplanned sections of the town makes some toilet facilities inaccessible to
evacuation tankers. This has resulted in the use of “night soil men”. It was
discovered that government is not making enough efforts towards good
wastewater management. It was recommended that; the private sector be
involved in the provision and management of wastewater facilities; wastes
evacuated from septic tanks and toilets should be treated and the quality
certified safe before final disposal or usage as farm manure. Furthermore,
government should regularly embark on public awareness and education
campaign and ensure prompt and adequate funding of wastewater
management and operations.

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