Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change among Cassava Producers in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Agricultural Extension Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation
Title Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change among Cassava Producers in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 118-125
The study evaluated methods of mitigating the consequences of climate change
on cassava production in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria.
The study identified and highlighted cultural farm practices that contribute to
climate change; ascertained the consequences of climate change on cassava
production in the study area; determined indigenous methods of mitigating the
consequences of climate change. Data for the study was collected with the aid of
structured questionnaire. Data analysis was achieved with the aid of descriptive
statistics. Results reveal that majority of the cassava growers in the study area
were aged between 30 to 59 years, implying that they were within their active and
innovative years. More half of the sample population (57.5%) was male. A
relatively high level of formal education among the respondents reported. Majority
of the respondents were resource poor, peasant farmers who cultivated 0.7ha to
1.2 ha of land. Certain cultural farm practices employed by the farmers contributed
to or encouraged climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gasses. Such
cultural farm practices include land clearing and burning (28%), annual bush
burning (19.2%), accumulation of residues (11.2%) as well as deforestation
(19.4%). Results further revealed that consequences of climate change on
cassava. Production includes reduction in yield, soil erosion with its attendant
problems, build-up of pests and disease, among others. The study concluded that
ignorance on the part of the farmers, especially those in the rural areas, is the
major problem militating against their use of adaptation strategies aimed at
mitigating the consequences of climate change. It was recommended that public
enlightenment programmes be vigorously mounted with a view to educating the
general public on climate change, its effects and mitigating factors.

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