The Role of Divination in Treatment of Diseases in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
Title The Role of Divination in Treatment of Diseases in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 10
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 21-29
The study was carried out to determine the role of divination in treatment of disease in Kwande
Local government Area. The specific aims of the study are to determine the role of divination in treatment of
disease, know disease that require divination for treatment, identify the instruments used in divination, and
provide recommendations. The study adopted fabrega’s theory of disease in the analysis while 150 respondents
were selected using simple probability sampling technique. The analysis was done using simple percentages for
survey, while Focus Group Discussion and In-depth Interview were analysed through verbal transcription and
interpretation of respondent’s responses. The study discovered that divination has played a dominant role in
treatment of disease in kwande and that most people are aware of its existence and had made massive use of it.
Also divination is done mostly at diagnostic level and is effective in treatment of disease especially those
precipitated by forces of the dark. The study also found that all diseases require divination depending on the
aetiology however, nocturnal diseases such as ikyoo (impotency), mental illness and akpiti
(Arthritis/rheumatism) Dagi (hands/legs ulcer) needs divination mostly before treatment. Signs associated with
these diseases include omen, undiagnosed and asymptomatic diseases. Further, it was discovered that any
instrument can be made sacred and used for divination, none the less; popular instruments used include shells
of divination consisting of seed pods, bones, strings, teeth of toad. Other instruments are a clay pot filled with
water and mirror. The study therefore recommends for integration of divination with radiography and
laboratory technology, statutory acceptance and economic reward for diviners.

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