Demand for food diversity in the case of Kosovo

Type Working Paper
Title Demand for food diversity in the case of Kosovo
Food nutrition security (FNS) is a multidisciplinary term that encompasses a set of the complex economic
and social determinants. Recent food spikes were raising concerns on the food and nutrition security at all
its levels (global, national, household and individual). In this paper we estimate demand for food diversity
in Kosovo. Theoretical framework suggests that food diversity serves as a proxy for food and nutritional
status at the household level. Here we employ standard OLS in order to estimate the impact of income (and
other determinants) on the demand for the food diversity. Further, we compute relevant anthropometric
indicator (Body Mass Index) in order to access the state of the FNS at the individual level. For the purpose
of empirical estimation we use the HBS data on Kosovo covering the period 2005-2012. The main findings
suggest that food diversity in Kosovo marked important improvement over the time period observed,
reflecting the impact of rising income as a key determinant of the food diet. The pattern of the household
food consumption remained diversified over the time period observed, but restricted by the low level of
income. Food diversity in the urban households is significantly higher than in rural areas. Individual
variables in the most of the cases were determined as significant. Anthropometric estimates were evidencing
that prevalence of undernourishment is particularly critical in the case of school-age children, while the
main nutritional problem among the adults is overweight.

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