Challenges of undertaking research in rural areas of Ghana: The influence of geographical factors

Type Journal Article - Journal of Rural and Community Development
Title Challenges of undertaking research in rural areas of Ghana: The influence of geographical factors
Volume 11
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
Page numbers 1-21
Research in rural areas in developing countries such as Ghana is affected by various
challenges. A number of these challenges are geographical in character and need to
be factored into the research design to minimize costs, delays, data inadequacies and
other inconveniences. This paper draws attention to geographical variables such as
distance, climatic influences, settlement patterns, housing characteristics and
unclear spatial boundaries that were encountered during research in 2 rural
communities in Ghana, and analyses various ways in which they impinge on the
trend and tempo of rural research. It then discusses specific measures instituted to
minimize their adverse impacts on the research processes. Based on these, it
recommends that the academic community must incorporate flexibility,
approximations and other strategies into their research design in order to mitigate
atypical geographical challenges encountered in rural communities particularly
those in the global south, and thereby ensure successful rural research.

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