Estudio de la demanda ocupacional para la carrera de Publicidad de la Facultad de Comunicacion Social de la Universidad de Guayaquil

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Título de: Licenciatura en Publicidad y Mercadotecnia
Title Estudio de la demanda ocupacional para la carrera de Publicidad de la Facultad de Comunicacion Social de la Universidad de Guayaquil
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
URL Dary.pdf
The demand study allows clearly identify the performance of a particular professional, their
aptitudes and attitudes, That is their abilities and Skills, And thus respond in a much more
accurate way to the needs of an environment, In turn allows to identify the field of performance
and performance of a professional, The work scenario and its dynamics and what is expected in
terms of the profile and figure of human talent. This study incorporates the practices of the
exercise of the profession, the public policies that are related to the sectors of development of the
profession ie the contexts in which there is the occupational demand, A market study adapted to
the labor demand that allows to establish what is the amount of demand of professionals that exist
(Public Sector / Private) in comparison with the offer (Professionals of the race), In the present
work of investigation that consists of a theoretical framework in which the information of the
faculty and of the laws that make reference to this study, In methodology, Gathering and analysis
of the information is detailed the survey that was carried out, Also has the conclusions and
recommendations that were reached after the reflection resulting from the studies of the results.

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