Baseline survey on health and socio-economic situation of members of cooperatives of PLWHIV in Rurenge and Rukomo health centres, Rukomo sector of Nyagatare district

Type Report
Title Baseline survey on health and socio-economic situation of members of cooperatives of PLWHIV in Rurenge and Rukomo health centres, Rukomo sector of Nyagatare district
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
With the help of the Nyagatare District Website, we describe the area
of survey in terms of location, climate, soils and health care and vulnerable population. We end by
briefly describing the Sector of Rukomo.
1. 1. 1. Location of the District
The District of Nyagatare is one of the seven districts making the Eastern Province. It is divided into
14 Sectors made of 106 cells and 630 Villages (Imidugudu). Covering a region of 1.741 Km2, the
district borders on Uganda to the North, Tanzania on its East, at the South by Gatsibo District and by
Gicumbi District on the western border.
1. 1. 2. Climate
The Nyagatare District experiences low rainfall and high temperatures. It is characterized by two
major seasons: one long dry season that varies between 3 and 5 months with an annual average
temperature varying between 25.3°C and 27.7°C. The monthly distribution of the rains varies from
one year to another. Annual rainfalls are both very low (827 mm/year) and very unpredictable in
satisfying the needs of agriculture and livestock.
1. 1. 3. Soils
The soil of the District of Nyagatare is characterized by the density of the humifere layer of the soil
brought about by the grassy savanna and by the vertisoils that are rich in nutrients such as minerals,
but lacking organic substances. Such types of soil may be exploited with the help of modern
agricultural techniques and form sorts of artificial pastures camps for livestock.
1. 1. 4. Health Care
Within the Health cluster, the District has one Hospital and 18 Health Centres with 4 physicians and
140 nurses. This makes the average clear that there are 116,464 inhabitants per doctor and 3,328 per
nurse. These figures demonstrate how Nyagatare District has already met the requirements by the
WHO which suggests 5,000 inhabitants per nurse, but remains far from fulfilling the requirements
with regards to the number of inhabitants per doctor (10,000 Inhabitants per Doctor). In addition to
this issue, there is a problem concerning insufficient and incomplete health
infrastructures as well as insufficient medical equipment.

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