Hubungan Asupan Energi, Asupan Protein Dan Status Gizi Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Bagian Finishing 3 Pt Hanil Indonesia Nepen Teras Boyolali

Type Thesis or Dissertation
Title Hubungan Asupan Energi, Asupan Protein Dan Status Gizi Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Bagian Finishing 3 Pt Hanil Indonesia Nepen Teras Boyolali
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Background: Labor productivity is a measure of the success of the workers
producing a product in a certain time unit (Hafner et, al., 2007). Food
consumption and nutritional status of workers considered quite important in
improving the productivity of labor. Disadvantages of energy and protein intake
cause low energy production so that the body will be weakened as immune
system, physical labor activity, and thinking power. Workers with abnormal
nutritional status would work slowly and inactive so the productivity of work
decreases. Purpose : Purpose research is determine correlation between energy
intake, protein intake and nutritional status with work productivity of the female
workers in section Finishing 3 PT. Hanil Indonesia NepenTeras Boyolali.
Methods : The research cross sectional design study with observational study.
Total sample is 45 people. The sampling technique using simple random
sampling. Data of energy and protein intake using food recall 24 hours, nutritional
status by measuring weight and height, and labor productivity was obtained sheet
observation weighing yarn. Statistical analysis using Spearmean Rank test.
Results : The survey results that 53.3% of respondents have less energy intake,
64.4% had less protein intake, 44.4% had a normal nutritional status and 68,9%
have a high work productivity. The results of bivariat test, correlation for protein
intake with labor productivity value of p =0.988; correlation for energy intake
with labor productivity value of p =0,048, correlation nutritional status with labor
productivity value of p =0.005. Conclusion : Nothing correlation for protein
intake with labor productivity. There is a correlation energy intake, nutritional
status with labor productivity of female workers in section Finishing 3 PT. Hanil
Indonesia Nepen Teras Boyolali.

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