Hubungan status bekerja dengan tingkat depresi pada lanjut usia di jemaat gmim kyrios kawiley kecamatan kauditan minahasa utara.

Type Journal Article - JURNAL KEPERAWATAN
Title Hubungan status bekerja dengan tingkat depresi pada lanjut usia di jemaat gmim kyrios kawiley kecamatan kauditan minahasa utara.
Volume 5
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Employment status is one of the risk factors for depression. According to World Health
Organization (WHO) 2009, the overall prevalence of depression in elderly generally varies between
10%-20%, this number could also change depends on the cultural situation in each region of the
world. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between employment status with
the level of depression in the elderly people at GMIM congregation Kyrios Kawiley, Kauditan District
of North Minahasa. The research design used is cross sectional. 56 samples from the elderly were
taken by purposive sampling on the 5th of December 2016 at GMIM congregation Kyrios Kawiley
Kauditan District. The samples then were analysed using two type of analysis which are univariate
and bivariate. The Univariate analysis uses proportion test and bivariate analysis uses chi-square
test. The research shows that 53,6% elderly people are employed and 46,4% elderly people are
unemployed. Furthermore, 66,1% elderly people have moderate depression while 33,9% of them have
mild depression. From the test results obtained from Chi-square test, it is clear that the p value is
less than 0,05 (p<0,05). This indicates that there is a significant relationship between employment
status with the level of depression in elderly people at GMIM congregation Kyrios Kawiley. In
conclusion, there is a relationship between employment status with the depression level of the
respondents at GMIM congregation Kyrios Kawiley, Kauditan District of North Minahasa. The
suggestion from this research is expected to be useful to nursing science and to be used for feedback
in order to improve scientific information about depression in the elderly people. In addition, the
suggestion in particular can be applied to the gerontic course.

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