La empleabilidad como determinante de la participacion laboral en Colombia

Type Thesis or Dissertation - titulo de economista
Title La empleabilidad como determinante de la participacion laboral en Colombia
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
This paper analyzes labor participation from the concept of employability in Colombia; term directed
to identify the effect of qualities and competences of individuals in the potential to enter and remain in
the labor market. To analyze labor participation is measured in both extensive and intensive margin;
approaches to estimate the effects of employability such as gender, education, family environment, use
of ICT (Information and Communications Technology), on job training (OJT), economic status and
geographic referencing on the decision to participate in the market and the supply of labor hours.For
this used the microdata contained in the Great Integrated Household Survey (GEIH), the Mission
for Splice Series Employment, Poverty and Inequality (MESEP), Module Information Technology
and Communications (MTIC) and Module Training for Work (MFpT). It is found that employability
as a whole increases the probability of labor participation for both men and women as these skills
increase productivity and level of remuneration on workers, that motivates the agents to reduce the
supply of labor hours without expecting a negative involvement in the level of income.

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