Disruptive technologies in telecommunications, broadcasting and transport sectors

Type Working Paper
Title Disruptive technologies in telecommunications, broadcasting and transport sectors
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.compcom.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/CC201604-Darji-R-Mkwanazi-S-and-Njisane-Y-2016-D​isruptive-technologies-in-Telecommunications-Broadcasting-and-Transport-sectors.pdf
This paper seeks to provide the Competition Commission of South Africa with a comprehensive discussion regarding the recent
developments and competition dynamics in three sectors affected by the entry of disruptive technologies in South Africa and
globally. The move towards the use of Over-The-Top technologies and shared economy services as well as the gradual
displacement of traditional telecommunications, broadcasting and metered taxi services has brought to light critical competition
and regulatory questions that both competition authorities and industry regulators as well as policy makers ought to consider going
forward. As a result of the entry of these disruptive technologies, traditional service providers have launched a series of complaints
requesting regulatory bodies to intervene and establish a level-playing field between all players. This study also outlines the
regulatory challenges and competition concerns that may arise as new market entrants (disruptive technologies) continue to
aggressively compete with traditional service providers.

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