Educational migration and its impact on development of academic centres

Type Conference Paper - IV-osios tarptautinės mokslinės-praktinės konferencijos, įvykusios Vilniaus kolegijos Ekonomikos fakultete 2017 m. balandžio 26 d., medžiaga
Title Educational migration and its impact on development of academic centres
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
City Vilnus
Country/State Lithuania
The aim of the paper is to present the impact of educational migration connected with taking up tertiary
education to the local development of academic cities on the example of one of the academic city in Poland - Opole.
Using the theoretical framework and the results of empirical studies there have been shown that the influx of students to
the city can influence both the development of the local market of good and services, as well as the real estate market.
This category of migration may also affect the development of the local labour market of academic city and may have
impact of its demographic situation in long run.

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