Políticas sociales y su incidencia en la pobreza en Uruguay. Periodo 2006-2014.

Type Working Paper - Universidad de la Republica
Title Políticas sociales y su incidencia en la pobreza en Uruguay. Periodo 2006-2014.
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.rivera.udelar.edu.uy/sites/default/files/pm02cepe2016.pdf
In 2005, during the first uruguayan leftist government and with the opening of Social Development
Ministery, is applied a Social Policy Package that consist in conditionals transfers, food demand subsidy,
and work plans. The objetive was combat against poberty, which had a deep impact after the crisis of
2002, one of the worst crisis in the uruguayan history. Since then poberty indexes decrease significantly
in big slopes.
This article proposes to evaluate the role of Social Policy Package in the decrease of the poberty at
homes for the period 2006-2014. It is used a cuasi experimental design –Propensity Score Matchingwhich
create a group of treatment and other one group of control for the serie 2006-2014, the
treatment is the Social Policy Package. The poberty index is constructed using Poberty Line and
Unsatisfied Basic Needs, it distinguish four quadrants, three of them of poberty: Chronicle, Inercial and
In general is not observed a significant impact of the Social Policy Package in the decrease of the poverty
for the period 2006-2014.

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