Children left behind: how to mitigate the effects and facilitate emotional and psychosocial development: supportive community networks can diminish the negative effects of parental migration

Type Journal Article - Child abuse & neglect
Title Children left behind: how to mitigate the effects and facilitate emotional and psychosocial development: supportive community networks can diminish the negative effects of parental migration
Volume 37
Issue 12
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 1080-1090
The migration of parents affects their
children in many ways. Often, parents
migrate at a stage in their children’s
development when they are especially in need
of a stable environment. Indeed, parental
migration can affect a child’s poverty level
and sense of abandonment. Additionally, particularly
when mothers migrate, their older
children may have to spend more time doing
housework and taking care of other family
members and therefore may pay less attention
to school activities.

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