Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Post conflict State: Evidence from Chad

Type Working Paper
Title Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Post conflict State: Evidence from Chad
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Using the third Chadian survey on consumption and informal sector (ECOSIT III), this study
aims at assessing the relationship between the profile of entrepreneurs and the performance
of SMEs in Chad. The study seeks to answer two main questions (1) what are the
entrepreneur’s characteristics which correlate more with job creation at the SMEs level? (2)
Since Chad becomes an oil producer in 2003, what is the effect of oil windfall on job creation
at the microeconomic level? We have two main finding: (1) three main characteristics
correlate with the increase in the number of jobs: experience of the manager/owner, the state
of the competition and access to credit. (2) There is no significant effect of the oil exploitation
on job creation in Chad.

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