HIV/AIDS and Public Administration: Tanzania Country Foresight Paper

Type Working Paper - Irish Aid and the Higher Education Authority of Ireland’s Programme of Strategic Cooperation between Irish Aid and Higher Education and Research Institutes.
Title HIV/AIDS and Public Administration: Tanzania Country Foresight Paper
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
HIV/AIDS is a worldwide problem. According to WHO and UNAIDS (2009), since the
beginning of the epidemic, almost 60 million people have been infected with HIV and about
25 million had died of AIDS related diseases. It is estimated that each year around 2.7 million
people are being newly infected with HIV (UNAIDS, 2008a). Although the epidemic extends
into the general population across the world but it has remained highly concentrated around
specific population groups. Globally, there are more women than men living with HIV and
AIDS. Young people, between the ages of 15–24, accounted for approximately 40% of new
HIV infections (among those 15 and over) in 2011 (UNAIDS 2012). Data indicate that,
young women aged 15-24 are most vulnerable to HIV. The infection rate among young
women is twice as high as in young men, at 0.6% (Women Out Loud, 2012).

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