Factors affecting Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of HIV/AIDS: A Study on Bangladesh

Type Journal Article - Australian Journal of Business Science Design & Literature
Title Factors affecting Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of HIV/AIDS: A Study on Bangladesh
Volume 9
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This research study is designed to investigate the factors affecting the knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior of HIV/AIDS. The variable under consideration is the ever heard of HIV/AIDS as a dependent
variable and the age, place of residence, educational level, partner’s educational level, reading
newspaper, watching television, listening radio and wealth quintile were independent variables.
Division, marital status, prevention methods, misconceptions, and HIV transmission also used in
descriptive analysis. The secondary data is collected from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey
2014, Mitra and Associates, Dhaka, Bangladesh. For analysis, multinomial logistic regression model
and descriptive analysis were used. The findings revealed that age, place of residence, educational level,
partner’s educational level, reading newspaper, watching television, listening radio and wealth quintile
significantly contribute the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of HIV/AIDS.

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