Towards an inclusive public transport system in Pakistan

Type Working Paper - Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific
Title Towards an inclusive public transport system in Pakistan
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL 3_Towards and inclusive public transport in​Pakistan.pdf
Urban transport in Pakistan is characterized by the coexistence of formal and informal transit
services. While urban transport is deregulated and - somehow – multimodal in the country, the
transport service providers often compete with each other within their particular constrains and their
equilibrium defines the overall landscape of urban accessibility. With examples from the cities of
Islamabad and Rawalpindi, the paper discusses three broad constraints on the urban modes of
transportation, namely regulatory, spatial and demand related constraints, using a number of
important system characteristics. Results show that the overall level of constraints remains ‘Very High’
on the newly constructed BRT, followed by ‘High’ constraints on the informal paratransit mode,
‘Qinqui’. Whereas the Suzuki and Wagon modes coverage remains maximum and they carry
relatively lower level of constraints. In this context, an inclusive urban mobility largely depends on a
proactive approach by management authorities to minimize these constraints through a number of
initiatives including integration of modes, improvements of the quality of service and condition of
vehicle, and by facilitating the mobility of women and non-motorized travellers.

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