Children with Disability in Nepal: New Hope Through CBR?

Type Journal Article - Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development
Title Children with Disability in Nepal: New Hope Through CBR?
Volume 25
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 5-20
Purpose: This study assesses the impact of a community-based rehabilitation
(CBR) programme on the quality of life (QoL) of children with disability and
their families.
Methods: A qualitative approach was applied, using two techniques - a
ranking line and semi-structured interviews. Nineteen children (ranging from
4 –18 years of age) were interviewed in their homes located in three villages -
Chapakhori, Bokraha and Madesha - in Nepal.
Results: Children with disability and their families ranked physical health,
psychological health, empowerment and level of independence as the most
important factors for their QoL. Of the 19 children, 13 had experienced positive
changes in their life and 1 child reported a negative change. The positive changes
related mainly to their physical health and functioning. The impact of these
changes was felt in the ‘social’, ‘level of independence’ and ‘empowerment’
outcome categories. The children mentioned that they had more friends,
experienced less stigma, could go to school and were more hopeful about the

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