Drought Crisis in Andhra Pradesh

Type Journal Article - Splint International Journal of Professionals
Title Drought Crisis in Andhra Pradesh
Volume 3
Issue 5
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
Page numbers 62-67
URL https://search.proquest.com/openview/80f9aa38ff2a23fecc4d5b7774ab3c3d/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=204​4944
Drought is a normal phenomenon in arid zone areas, a common phenomenon in semi- arid zone areas and a rare to very rare
phenomenon in dry humid and humid areas. It is a natural disaster, which can be anticipated and also expected on the basis of
rainfall pattern, temperature etc. The crisis of drought besides causing crop losses is also responsible for other serious
consequences such as poverty, malnutrition and social problems. Though crises are inevitable in agriculture, the emerging
trends have opened new scope and a large number of allied opportunities. Some of the opportunities include availability of
adequate scientific and technological resources for forewarning and skills to reduce the risks. Hence, in the present study, an
attempt is made to study the intensity of Drought in Andhra Pradesh.

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