Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Nepal: Exploring Indigenous Research Procedures in Shamanism

Type Journal Article - Journal of Indigenous Social Development
Title Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Nepal: Exploring Indigenous Research Procedures in Shamanism
Volume 5
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 38-55
By presenting Shamanism as a form and tradition of indigenous knowledge, this
paper aims to reduce the uncertainties attached to the concept in common approaches
to indigenous research. Most indigenist researchers, who are working to blend
western and non-western ways of knowing, have inadequately explored indigenous
research procedures. In order to understand indigenous research procedures in the
Nepali multi-cultural context, using interpretive, critical and postmodern research
paradigms, the authors engaged with indigenous elders and traditional healers, and
observed cultural events like shamanic performances. This paper reveals how
achieving a profound understanding of indigenous knowledge traditions will be an
integral part of how researchers approach indigenous communities in future studies.

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