Environmental risks and poverty: analyzing geo-spatial and household data from Vietnam

Type Working Paper
Title Environmental risks and poverty: analyzing geo-spatial and household data from Vietnam
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/24844/Environmental00ld0data0from0Vietnam​.pdf?sequence=1
This study combines high-resolution, geo-spatial data and
household data from the Vietnam Living Standard Measurement
Surveys in 2010, 2012, and 2014 to investigate
the relationship between environmental risks and poverty.
Using recently developed data on air pollution, tree cover
loss, land degradation, slope, rainfall and temperature variability,
and flood and drought hazards, the study shows: (i)
at the district level, there are hotspots of high poverty and
environmental risks; (ii) ethnic minorities and poor households
are much more exposed to multiple environmental
risks than other groups, and also within rural and urban
areas poorer households live in communes exposed to higher
environmental risks; and (iii) environmental risks relate to
lower consumption levels, but less so to lower consumption
growth over time. Altogether these findings suggest that
Vietnam’s poor are disproportionally exposed to environmental
risks, which can result in livelihood impacts that in
many ways go beyond consumption. In light of growing
pressures due to population growth, economic development
and climate change, green growth actions, ecosystem-based
adaptation, and land-use planning could be important strategies
to reduce the environmental burden on poor people.

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