The relationship between teacher-learner interaction and the laboratory learning environment during chemistry practicals in Namibia

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Doctor of Education
Title The relationship between teacher-learner interaction and the laboratory learning environment during chemistry practicals in Namibia
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
The purpose of this study was to find out if there is a relationship between teacherlearner
interactions and laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in
Namibia. Literatures and questionnaires from 1383 learners and 12 teachers have
proven that the interactions between teacher and learners have great impact on the
performance, understanding and the environment that prevail in the laboratory.
The main data collection methods used was the mixed method research through the
use of questionnaires and interviews. The results from the study show that good
teacher-learner interactions have contributed to the positive learning environment
that prevails in Namibian schools. Although the majority of the learners especially
the girls have negative connotations towards Chemistry in terms of content,
calculations and assessment generally learners look forward and are excited to do
experiments in practical work. The impact of the excitement and willingness of
learners to do practical investigations has not proven to improve learners‘
performance in Chemistry practical work in Namibia. The majority of the learners
rated their teachers as good in subject knowledge, good leaders, helpful and friendly
during practical investigations. The shortage of chemicals, equipments in laboratory
activities that should have inspired involvement of learners in handling equipments is
one of the factors that contributed negatively to the learning environment and
teacher-learners interactions. Teachers mostly resolve to demonstrations due to lack
of chemicals and equipment. Some schools show low/poor level of learner-learner
interactions because some learners tease, laugh and discourage others during
practical investigations. Chemistry laboratories in Namibia are characterised by lack
of equipment, chemicals, poorly behave learners while on the other hand there are
good behaviours from the teachers‘ side with most learners showing that their
teachers always try to make the best out of the prevailing situations in the
The laboratory environment in Namibia closely resemble laboratory environment in
other studies in Asia, Africa and Europe. From empirical evidence it can be therefore
concluded that there is a relationship between teacher-learner interactions and
laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in Namibia. Although the
relationship is not as harmonious or congruent as it ought to be, the government of
Namibia can play a greater role in creating positive, productive and enjoyable
learning environment by supplying secondary schools‘ laboratories with the needed
equipment and chemicals to support the practical work as stated in the Physical
Science syllabi.
The three questionnaire used were rated by learners and teacher as effective; easy
to understand; covering most areas of the Chemistry environment; not time
consuming, statistically valid and consistent. The changes made to the questionnaire
fit well to the Namibia Chemistry environment and it produced nearly the same
reliability and validity when compared to the pilot study questionnaire and other
similar questionnaires used in other country.

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