The rates and effects of urban sprawl in developing countries: the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Area Studies
Title The rates and effects of urban sprawl in developing countries: the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Volume 9
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 135-151
This paper presents the rate and effects of urban sprawl in Ethiopia highlighting
the city of Addis Ababa. The purpose is to assess the rate and effects of urban sprawl and
its role for metropolitan linkage. The study was conducted based on both primary and
secondary sources. The primary sources were obtained from selected informants who
can be principally distinguished as key government offi cials such as mayor and head of
sub-cities and selected satellite towns. The qualitative approaches used were based on
document and content analysis. The rate of urban sprawl along the fi ve outlets of the
city is dissimilar. The highest growth rate of urban spread has been observed along the
Mojo outlet stretching to the towns of Dukem and Debrezeit; the rate of spread along
the Jimma outlet to Alem Gena is also high. A lesser extent of urban sprawl is found
along Dessie, Gojam and Nekemite outlets. The rate of urban sprawl along the Mojo and
Jimma outlets is more than double that of the other outlets. Holistically, in 2010, the
growth of the city stretched along its catchments for an average of about 1 km in all
direction, and 2 km along the major outlets. From 2020 onward, it is predicted to 0.5
km intervals. The city may also expand vertically rather than horizontally. Urban sprawl
has both positive and negative effects on the areas of expansion and their peoples. The
positive effects are that it contributes to improvements in the economy of farmers in the
invaded areas, changes their way of life to an urban style, and the indigenous peoples also
have a better chance of being reclassifi ed as urban and therefore of engaging in urban
employment than under the previous system of farming. This development also plays
a signifi cant role in the urban growth of the city and the integration of satellite areas.
Thus, the rate of urban growth of the city is very high. The ideal prescription would be
to practice strong integrative work with the sub-cities and proximate rural areas in order
to encourage timely and proper supervision and to bring the required growth to the city.

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