Vegetation succession on the mountain pastures in the region of Malesh

Type Conference Paper - 5th Congress of the Ecologists of Macedonia
Title Vegetation succession on the mountain pastures in the region of Malesh
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The research focuses on vegetation succession at mountain pastures by setting up
representative sample plots of 500 m2 and collecting data on the species, the number of
individuals, their height, the diameter of the crown and the diameter at breast height, in order to
determine the presence of species, their coverage and vertical structure in the trial areas.
The analysis of the vegetation succession on the mountain pastures in the region of
Malesh was done according to standard methods of vegetation studies, which include: consulting
the existing literature and documentation, collection of field data by setting up representative
sample areas, analysis of collected field data, extrapolate and recommendations for further
research and action for reclamation of mountain pastures in the region of Malesh.
The results indicate a clear link between declining human population and livestock and wooded
vegetation dispersion on the mountain pastures. At the pastures abandoned up to 10 years the
coverage is 53%; at the pastures abandoned from 11 to 20 years is 85%; at the pastures abandoned
from 21 to 30 years is 90% and at pastures abandoned more than 30 years is about 100%. Patterns of
vertical structure clearly demonstrate the dynamics of succession processes.
Based on the conducted research is determined that the process of livestock reduction, reduction of
land use of mountain pastures and absence of silvicultural measures for their maintenance and
rehabilitation leading to their overgrowth with forest vegetation, which in 30 years has ability to
completely grown over and thus cause changes in the landscape and biodiversity of the area.

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