Hinduism in Suriname

Type Working Paper
Title Hinduism in Suriname
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
URL https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-08956-0_153-1
Surinamese Hinduism is the majority religion practiced by Surinamese people of South Asian descent. Surinamese Hinduism emphasizes the ritual, philosophical, and communal centrality of Vedic revelation. It is primarily divided between majority Sanatan Dharm and minority Arya Samaj doctrines. Sanatan Dharm emphasizes the central ritual role of Brahmin priests and image-based devotional worship of the classical Hindu gods like Vishnu and his avatars, as well as Shiva, and the Goddess. Arya Samaj is a protestant reform movement that rejects Brahminical authority and the Hindu deities. As one of the country’s major religions, Hinduism plays an influential role in defining Surinamese society.

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