Maternal Mortality Risk and the Gender Gap in Desired Fertility in Zambia

Type Working Paper - Innovations for Poverty Action - Zambia
Title Maternal Mortality Risk and the Gender Gap in Desired Fertility in Zambia
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL Mortality​Brief_2017.07.20.pdf
Maternal mortality remains very high in many parts
of the developing world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
Limited awareness of risk factors for maternal mortality
such as maternal age and birth spacing may contribute to
persistently high death rates, and public health campaigns
to increase awareness of risk factors could help curb
maternal mortality. Data shows that men, in particular, tend
to underestimate maternal mortality risk, which may lead
to their lower demand for contraception. Researchers are
working with Zambia’s Ministry of Health and local NGOs
to evaluate the impact of providing information to men
and women about maternal mortality risk on knowledge
of risk, demand for family planning, and maternal and child
health outcomes. If the program has a positive impact,
as pilot results suggest, the curriculum and its focus on
men could be incorporated into existing community-based
health initiatives in line with the Ministry of Health’s goal
of increasing household family planning demand.

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