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Showing 19981-20010 of 20140
Journal Article
Una, AF, LU Ogbonnaya, CN Obionu, KN Omeje, and EI Obi.
Training of Traditional Birth Attendants on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Effect on Their Knowledge and Delivery of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Services in Igbagu, Ebonyi State Nigeria
Archives of Current Research International 8, no. 2 (2017): 1-12.
Journal Article
Redman-MacLaren, Michelle, Jane Mills, Rachael Tommbe, David MacLaren, Rick Speare, and William JH McBride.
Implications of male circumcision for women in Papua New Guinea: a transformational grounded theory study
BMC women's health 17, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Allendorf, Keera.
Do women’s land rights promote empowerment and child health in Nepal?
World development 35, no. 11 (2007): 1975-1988.
Journal Article
Chalise, Hom Nath.
Demographic situation of population ageing in Nepal.
Kathmandu University Medical Journal 4, no. 3 (2006): 354-362.
Journal Article
Joshi, Madhav, and David T Mason.
Between democracy and revolution: peasant support for insurgency versus democracy in Nepal
Journal of Peace Research 45, no. 6 (2008): 765-782.
Journal Article
Aryal, Umesh Raj, Abhinav Vaidya, Suraj Shakya-Vaidya, Max Petzold, and Alexandra Krettek.
Establishing a health demographic surveillance site in Bhaktapur district, Nepal: initial experiences and findings
BMC research notes 5, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Chandrashekhar, TS, HS Joshi, M Gurung, SH Subba, MS Rana, and PG Shivananda.
Prevalence and distribution of intestinal parasitic infestations among school children in Kaski District, Western Nepal
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research 4, no. 1 (2005): 76-82.
Journal Article
Shrestha, Bhim P, Bishnu Bhandari, Dharma S Manandhar, David Osrin, Anthony Costello, and Naomi Saville.
Community interventions to reduce child mortality in Dhanusha, Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Trials 12, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Krawczyk, Kelly, Jennie Sweet-Cushman, and Raymond Muhula.
The Road to Good Governance: Via the Path Less Accountable? The Effectiveness of Fiscal Accountability in Liberia
International Journal of Public Administration 36, no. 8 (2013): 532-543.
Journal Article
Rogerson, Christian M, and Gijsbert Hoogendoorn.
VFR travel and second home tourism: The missing link? The case of South Africa
Tourism Review International 18, no. 3 (2014): 167-178.
Journal Article
Bruslé, Tristan.
Choosing a destination and work: migration strategies of Nepalese workers in Uttarakhand, northern India
Mountain Research and Development 28, no. 3 (2008): 240-247.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kreibaum, Merle.
Microeconomic Analyses of the Causes and Consequences of Political Violence
PhD thesis, Universitat Gottingen, 2015.
Working Paper
Mhlongo, Vukile, and Reza Che Daniels.
Food expenditure patterns in South Africa: Evidence from the NIDS
Saldru Working Paper , no. 123 (2013).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Ingrid Woolard, Hayley McEwen, and Charlotte Koep.
Employment and inequality outcomes in South Africa
(2010) University of Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit.
Journal Article
McLaren, Zoë M, Cally Ardington, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Distance decay and persistent health care disparities in South Africa
BMC health services research 14, no. 1 (2014): 541.
Journal Article
Morrison, J, R Thapa, S Hartley, D Osrin, M Manandhar, K Tumbahangphe, R Neupane, B Budhathoki, A Sen, and N Pace.
Understanding how women's groups improve maternal and newborn health in Makwanpur, Nepal: a qualitative study
International health 2, no. 1 (2010): 25-35.
Working Paper
Shakya, GR, I Shakya, and L Augustus.
Biomass Briquetting of Agricultural and Forest Residues and Herb Waste in Nepal
Journal Article
Tamang, Asha Lal, and Alex Broom.
The practice and meanings of spiritual healing in Nepal
South Asian History and Culture 1, no. 2 (2010): 328-340.
Journal Article
Parajuli, Rajendra Prasad, Takeo Fujiwara, Masahiro Umezaki, Hana Furusawa, Ping Han Ser, and Chiho Watanabe.
Cord blood levels of toxic and essential trace elements and their determinants in the Terai region of Nepal: a birth cohort study
Biological trace element research 147, no. 1-3 (2012): 75-83.
Journal Article
Lohani, Usha.
Zootherapeutic knowledge of two ethnic populations from Central Nepal
Ethno Med 6, no. 1 (2012): 45-53.
Working Paper
Branson, Nicola, Cally Ardington, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Trends in teenage childbearing and schooling outcomes for children born to teens in South Africa
SALDRU Working , no. 98 (2013).
Journal Article
Etheredge, Gina D, Girma Michael, Michael P Muehlenbein, and Jacob K Frenkel.
The roles of cats and dogs in the transmission of Toxoplasma infection in Kuna and Embera children in eastern Panama
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 16, no. 3 (2004): 176-186.
Working Paper
Cordoba I, Fuentes Gabriel.
Land Property Rights and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Panama
Data Science and Service Research Discussion Paper , no. 67 (2017).
Journal Article
De Silva, S. T. N, N. Weerasuriya, N. W. M De Alwis, M. A. W De Silva, and D. S. J Fernando.
Excess maternal transmission and familial aggregation of Type 2 diabetes in Sri Lanka
Diabetes research and clinical practice 58, no. 3 (2002): 173-177.
Working Paper
Savchenko, Yevgeniya, and Gladys Lopez-Acevedo.
Female wages in the apparel industry post-MFA: The cases of Cambodia and Sri Lanka
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6061 (2012).
Working Paper
De Mel, Suresh, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff.
Who does Microfinance Fail to Reach? Experimental Evidence on Gender and Microenterprise Returns
(2007) Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development.
Working Paper
Newhouse, D., S. Shivakumaran, S. Takamatsu, and N. Yoshida.
How Survey-to-Survey Imputation Can Fail
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6961 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Aparakkakankanamage, Ayesha.
Globalization, Sustainable Development, and Environmental Problems in the Third World: A Case Study of Sri Lanka
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, 2005.
Journal Article
Singh, Anant Gopal, MP Panthi, and DD Tewari.
Ethno Medicinal Plants Used by the Tharu and Magar Communities of Rupandehi District, Western Nepal
Current Botany 2, no. 2 (2011).
Journal Article
Nepali, Purna B, and Kailash Nath Pyakuryal.
Livelihood Options for Landless and Marginalised Communities in an Agrarian Society: A Case Study from Far Western Nepal'
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Science 48, no. 1 (2011): 1-10.
Showing 19981-20010 of 20140