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Showing 61-90 of 732
Book Section
Cleland, John, and Mohamed Ali.
Santé de la reproduction au Nord et au Sud
(2009) The Use of Demographic and Health Surveys to Monitor The Sexual and Reproductive Behaviour of Single Women .
Book Section
Cleland, John, and Mohamed Ali.
Santé de la reproduction au Nord et au Sud
(2009) Monitor the Sexual and Reproductive Behaviour of Single Women.
Journal Article
Ali, Kamran Asdar.
The politics of family planning in Egypt
Anthropology today 12, no. 5 (1996): 14-19.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ali, Osama Osman Hasman.
Prevelence of hepatitis (C) virus antibodies among haemodialysis patients in El-Minia Governate/Egypt
Masters, Ain Shams University, 2010.
Azer, Adele, Sohair Mehanna, Mulki , and Essam Ali.
Child protection policies in Egypt: A rights-based approach
: Amer Univ in Cairo Pr, 2010.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed M, John Cleland, and Iqbal H Shah.
Condom use within marriage: a neglected HIV intervention
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 82, no. 3 (2004): 180-186.
Working Paper
Hotchkiss, David R, Katherine Krasovec, M Driss Zine-Eddine El-Idrissi, Erin Eckert, and Ali Mehryar Karim.
The role of user charges and structural attributes of quality on the use of maternal health services in Morocco
Measure Evaluation, Carolina Population Center 20, no. 2 (2003): 113-135.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed, and John Cleland.
Contraceptive discontinuation in six developing countries: A cause-specific analysis
International family planning perspectives 21, no. 3 (1995): 92-97.
Journal Article
Poverty and Child Mortality in Pakistan
Journal Article
Afzal, Mohammad, S.M. Ali, and H.B. Siyal.
Consanguineous marriages in Pakistan
Pak Dev Rev 33, no. 4 Pt 2 (1994): 663-74.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Tauseef, and Syed Ali.
Alternate scenarios for population control in Pakistan: The issue of contraceptive method mix
The Pakistan Development Review 31, no. 4 (1992): 1281-1292.
Journal Article
Ali, Syed, and Jafar Hussain.
Fertility transition in Pakistan: Evidence from census
Pakistan Development Review 40, no. 4; PART 2 (2001): 537-550.
Journal Article
Shah, Nasra M, and Syed Ali.
Knowledge and use of family planning
(1992) Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.
Journal Article
Ali, Syed M, Hussain Siyal, and Mehboob Sultan.
How similar are the determinants of mortality and fertility?
Pakistan Development Review 32, no. 4 Pt 2 (1993): 1107-1115.
Journal Article
Ali, Syed, and Mehboob Sultan.
Socio-cultural constraints and women's decision-making power regarding reproductive behaviour
Pakistan Development Review 38, no. 4 (1999): 689-698.
Ardakani, Hossein M, Kourosh H Naieni, Arash Rashidian, Parviz Vazirian, Ghobad Moradi, and Ali Mirzazadeh.
A regional report on Millennium Development Health related Goals in Economic Cooperation Organizations (ECO) countries (Goals 4, 5 and 6)
Tehran, Iran: Institute of Public Health Research Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2009.
Working Paper
Klenha, Vaclav, Soren Nielsen, Evgenia Petkova, and Ali E Su.
Country review of human resource development in Serbia
Ali, Kelkilachew, and Million Tafesse.
Shumsheha: Lasta, Wollo
Addis Ababa and Oxford, Ethiopia and United Kingdom: Department of Sociology, Addis Abada University and the Centre for the study of African Economies, Oxford University , 1996.
Working Paper
Ali, Muhammad.
Afghanistan’s Poppy Production: Counting Things and Things that Count
Journal Article
Ali, Moazzam, Mohammad Ayaz Bhatti, and Chushi Kuroiwa.
Challenges in Access to and Utilization of Reproductive Health Care in Pakistan
Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad 20, no. 4 (2008): 3-7.
Journal Article
Ali, Ershad, and Dayal Talukder.
Analysis of Poverty Dynamics: Bangladesh Perspective
Journal of Third World Studies 27, no. 1 (2010).
Ali, Liaquat, Belayet Hossain, M. Rokunuzzaman, and Shymal Bhadra.
Access to Fisheries Resources by the Poor Fishers for Income Generation and Livelihood and Their Coping Strategies During Lean and Ban Fishing Period in Bangladesh
Smith, Lisa C, and Ali Subandoro.
Measuring food security using household expenditure surveys
: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2007.
Working Paper
Sen, Binayak, Mansur Ahmed, Mohammad Yunus, and Zulfiqar Ali.
Regional Inequality in Bangladesh in the 2000s: Re-Visiting the East-West Divide Debate
(2014) BIDS-REF Study Series No.14-01 .
Working Paper
Murshid, K. S. A, Mohammad Yunus, S. Zulfiqar M Ali, and Nazneen Ahmed.
Bangladesh Food Market Performance: Instability, Integration, and Institutions
Islam, Rizwanul, Mustafa K Mujeri, and Zulfiqar Ali.
Fiscal and Policy Space for Crisis Response with a Focus on Employment and Labour Market: A Study of Bangladesh
Ali, Hazrat, Kamal U Ahmed, and Mirza Hasanuzzaman.
Consumption of Maize-An Alternative Food Habit to Improve Food Security in the Hilly Areas of Bangladesh
Working Paper
Mujeri, Mustafa K, Zulfiqar Ali, and Siban Shahana.
The Implications of the Inclusive Growth and Development Aid Agenda of the People’s Republic of China for Poorer Countries in Asia: The Case of Bangladesh
Working Paper
Ali M, Shaukat.
Poverty assessment: Pakistan's case
(1995) The Pakistan Development Review.
Journal Article
Ali, Rosimina.
Mercados de trabalho rurais: porque são negligenciados nas políticas de emprego, redução da pobreza e desenvolvimento em Moçambique?
(2013) Desafios para Moçambique.
Showing 61-90 of 732